PREAMPS (Part One)

Preamp / Pre (short for preamplifier). Preamps are a big deal! I had to establish that first seeing that a lot of audio heads are firm believers that a great recording starts with a good preamp; this in turn has resulted in the success of some audio interfaces or mixer consoles over others. Some companies like Behringer even go as far as using preamp designs from other manufacturers more renowned for making quality preamps on their own devices, like the X32 line that features Midas preamps. So how much should one spend to get a good preamp? Do “follow come” preamplifiers that ship with audio interfaces and mixers fare well when compared to separate single unit pres or channel strips? Is a $4000 preamp significantly better than the cheaper ones? Can a preamp help a bad performance made in poor acoustic conditions sound better? Are preamps just over hyped? This two-part write up is designed to give you a more accurate understanding of preamps so as to help you make a ...