Producer or Beat Maker
As advancement in technology over the decades has resulted in the simplification and affordability of the music production process, the word "Producer" has also evolved in meaning and usage over time. Gears like the Alesis Digital Audio Tape (ADAT) recorder, Akai MPC's and Rolands range of portable synthesizers and drum programmers like the TR-808 are just a few in a host of other revolutionary audio equipment that brought music production to the everyday musician. In the digital realm, personal computers have become much more powerful and Steinberg's VST technology along with other Digital Audio Workspaces (DAW's) have made mixing "in the box" (ITB for short) a reality. The 21st century producer can literally make great sounding instrumentals with only a laptop! This change is however more evident in hip-hop and other electronic genres of music. So who's a music producer and what's his job? Traditionally, music producers can be...