Phonosynthesis - Part One
A fairly common frustration for music producers and artists is having a sound in your head but not being able to reproduce it in real life, let alone apply it to your music. In all honesty, some sounds will only remain in your dreams; but if you're better equipped to to squeeze more out of your synthesizers, there's a good chance you might reach your sonic destination. The 'Phonosynthesis' series will attempt to demystify software synthesizers (or 'soft synths' for short) and make those numerous knobs, envelopes, matrixes and sliders not look so intimidating. I'm no Gordon Reid, but if I can help you manipulate your tones to get your desired sounds on not just your favorite synths but any synth you lay your hands on, then my friend - we have done well. What are synthesizers? Serum - A Wavetable Synthesizer Synthesizers are electronic musical devices that generate sounds using electrical circuits and or mathematical algorithms (in t...