Tannoy Reveal Series - The Review
Tannoy has a good reputation. That says a lot about their products because a good reputation takes time to build and in their case, more than half a century. With names like Michael Jackson, Tony Maserati, Beyonce and just about anybody who's anybody in the global music hall of fame written on the package box, you know you've made the right decision right? Well that depends (I'll explain why soon, just read on). This post is a personal review of the Tannoy Reveal 502 and it's safe to say since the technology is the same across all siblings in the reveal series, the following should also be true about the 402 and 802. Physical Appearance I wouldn't say Tannoy Reveals are the cutest monitors to look at and I would have preferred an LED at the front not rear panel just for aesthetics and to make you more aware your speakers are on. Oyibo have a name for everything and one I was particularly happy to see was "poke resistant tweete...